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Legislative Intent Service
Legislative Digest

Summer 2006

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Legislative Intent Service's Engrossment
July 21, 2006

We Have You Covered with our MCLE Program

Our MCLEs are available, FREE, to any groups of ten attorneys in the state of California.
We can address one of three subjects in the MCLEs as follows:
Appellate Procedural Considerations:
We discuss submitting legislative history materials before the court, the requirements of judicial notice, authentication, and whether you should offer a whole or partial submission of legislative history; we also discuss the plain meaning rule, ambiguity, and the primacy of legislative history in statutory construction.
Legislative Intent, Research and History:
We discuss what is legislative intent, where do you find it, how do you use it, and why it is important. We have documented over 700 cases using legislative intent materials and with the current surge of litigation, the use of legislative intent materials by today’s legal professional becomes an important legal consideration.
2005 Legislative Review:
We address the most recent changes to the laws passed in the 2005 Legislative Session. We can cover a variety of subject areas, which would include a brief legislative history on each bill, or we can address a bill in a subject area of interest to your firm if you let us know in advance. In January of 2007, we will offer our 2006 Legislative Review.
If you would like to schedule your free MCLE for your firm or law-related association, call us at 1-800-666-1917.

posted at 10:49 AM by Unknown

Archives Soon Available On-line

Legislative Intent Service is working on launching a new program to be available at our on-line store located at that will be aimed at researchers and attorneys who wish to receive legislative history materials at a reduced fee.
Our goal will be to create the Legislative Intent Service “Archives” as an economical alternative to our normal, thorough research for obtaining legislative histories for on-line clients.
Our “Archives” option will not come with our analysis reports nor our declaration that authenticates the materials. Also, the archived bill materials at our website will not be verified for completeness of research. Each of these facets, which our regular clients will recognize as what we usually include in our normal research production, can be individually ordered at specific rates, which will be also noted at the website. Of course, as we have done for 32 years, our normal, complete research can still be ordered. We hope our clients will find the archives option a useful opportunity to meet their research needs. Call us if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this new research option (1-800-666-1917).

posted at 10:47 AM by Unknown

Federal Research
Orders Up

Legislative Intent Service has nearly doubled its federal research projects ordered in the last two years. Our clients’ demands for federal statutory or public law research have ranged in time periods from the 1800’s to just last month and we can turn such research around in as few as two business days.
We believe we have been successful in providing effective federal research because over time we have learned how to research federal laws productively, where to find congressional materials, and, equally important for our clients’ needs, how to organize and package the federal legislative history research so that it makes sense to our clients as they review the complicated materials.

posted at 10:45 AM by Unknown

July 19, 2006

State Bar Panel Back By Popular Demand!

At the State Bar’s Annual Meeting in Monterey this October, Legislative Intent Service will be presenting a two-hour Lawyering Skills Program entitled “Winning Strategies Using Legislative Intent” on October 6th, Friday, from 10a.m. to noon.
The speakers will be Ms. Dorothy Thomson, Esq., and Ms. Filomena Yeroshek, Esq., of Legislative Intent Service, and Mr. Robin Meadow, Esq., from Greines Martin Stein & Richland in Los Angeles.
These knowledgeable attorneys will address strategies to advocate legislative intent and win at the trial and appellate levels. Come join the group to learn about legislative intent and history as well as ask your questions either afterwards or at our booth.
This class qualifies for two hours of MCLE credit for those attending attorneys.

posted at 3:09 PM by Unknown

Researching Regulations?

If you have any questions about researching state regulations, Dorothy Thomson has prepared a quick California regulation research primer that our clients might find useful.
You can find it on-line if you Google: How to Research California Regulations
Or, you can log onto to our website (, click on our “Points and Authorities” button and scroll down to Dorothy’s Regulation paper.
The paper covers “how to start,” “what documentation is available,” and “where does one find the regulatory record?” In her discussion regarding what documents are available, Dorothy provides tips of where you might find your regulation or language given the age of the regulatory action.
Legislative Intent Service researches regulations for a fee. Clients have discovered it is so much more economical to have us provide this research for them.

posted at 2:53 PM by Unknown